
Cavities – How to Tell if You Have One – Symptoms, Causes, Treatments⁤

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  • Cavities – How to Tell if You Have One – Symptoms, Causes, Treatments⁤

Your dental health can guarantee your overall wellness. One of the most important strategies to keep your teeth in good condition and avoid other challenges is to brush and floss to prevent tooth decay, or cavities, from happening in the first place. 

The Canadian Dental Association states that nearly 5.5% of Canadian adults have untreated coronal cavities. Cavities that go untreated can ruin teeth and lead to more serious problems. That is why it is important to recognize a tooth cavity’s symptoms and contact your weekend dentist as soon as possible if you suspect you have one. 

What is a Cavity?

Cavities are tiny holes or cracks that appear on the hard surface of the tooth and are generally irreversible. Cavities, well-known as tooth decay or caries, are triggered by a variety of causes, such as germs in your mouth, frequent snacking, consuming sweet drinks, and failing to clean your teeth properly. 

Cavities worsen and affect the more substantial portions of your teeth if they go untreated. They are capable of causing severe oral discomfort, infection, and the loss of teeth. Regular dental cleanings and checkups near you, as well as correct brushing and flossing habits, are your best protection from cavities and tooth decay. 

Cavity Signs and Symptoms

The indications of a cavity vary depending on its size and location in your mouth. You might not notice any signs at first. They will become more severe as the cavity grows larger, including: 

  • Pain or a toothache that occurs unexpectedly 
  • Teeth with sensitivity
  • Pain on eating or drinking something sugary, chilled, or hot
  • Teeth with holes or pits 
  • Tooth stains that are black, white, or brown 
  • When you bite down, you feel pain.

What Causes Cavities?

Each tooth is made up of one of these layers: 

  • Enamel is the tooth’s outermost coating. It comprises minerals that form a hard, smooth, and protective surface. 
  • Dentin is the tooth’s middle layer. It comprises small tubules that form the tooth’s basic structure. 
  • The pulp is the tooth’s deepest layer. It houses the nerves. 

Plaque is a vicious layer of bacteria that accumulates regularly on a tooth’s surface. Bacteria release acids that penetrate and disintegrate tooth enamel when you consume sugary foods or beverages. Because plaque is so vicious, acids may stay on the teeth for an extended period. It can cause enamel to deteriorate or “demineralize,” leading to a cavity.

Cavities are a condition that affects both children and adults. As per the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in every five children aged 5 to 11 and one in every seven children aged 12 to 19 had at least one untreated decaying tooth. 

Treatment for Cavities

Regular checkups and cleanings are important since this is when your weekend dentist near you finds cavities. They will probe your teeth for soft spots and use X-rays to examine the spaces between your teeth and proceed with any one of the following treatments:

Doing Remineralization

Fluoride treatments help heal damaged enamel in the early stages of tooth decay, a process known as remineralization. It can reverse the early indications of cavities. You may require prescription toothpaste, mouthwash, and fluoride treatments at the dentist.

Dental Fillings

When a cavity develops in your tooth, a dentist in NW Calgary will drill out the damaged tissue and fill the hole. Composite resin (a tooth-colored substance), silver amalgam, or gold are used in dental fillings.

Getting Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy eliminates the pain associated with severe tooth decay. The specialists who treat disorders affecting the root of a tooth (Endodontists) precisely perform root canal therapy. An endodontist removes the tooth pulp and then fills the canals and pulp chamber with a specific filling substance called gutta-percha during root canal treatment. You may also require a dental crown to reinforce the problematic tooth.

Tooth Extraction Treatment 

In case root canal is not a suitable option, your dentist may propose tooth extraction, i.e., pulling out the tooth in simple words. To replace a permanently removed tooth, you may require a dental bridge or implant. Your dentist will be able to inform you of your unique possibilities.

Need Dental Assistance?

Cavities start small, but if left untreated, they can develop to tooth rotting and other significant issues. If you have dental sensitivity, pain, discomfort, discolouration, or holes in your teeth, do not hesitate to visit your dentist. The sooner a cavity is diagnosed, the less unpleasant and better the treatment. 

At Sage Hill Dental, we not only help people battle against their long-preserved cavities but also share knowledge on how to prevent them from happening further. Plus, getting general dentistry in Evanston helps patients undergo the routine care they need, hassle-free. Contact us today.